Thursday, January 15, 2015

Life doesn't choose favorites.

I just held my son down while he got a feeding tube forced through his nose and down his throat.  The nurse asked me if I wanted to leave the room.  I don't understand how a parent could leave their child when they needed them most.  I'm not squeamish, but it wouldn't matter anyways.  The last thing any child needs, sick or not, is for their parents to leave them when they are scared.  This is the first time Christian has needed an NG Tube.  He's only eaten half a hot pocket in a week so it's the best option to keep him "healthy." The chemo will make food taste metallic, so he probably won't like a lot of his favorite foods now. He kept screaming after, and even tried pulling it out, but he seems a little more at peace now.  He didn't like me very much for a few minutes, but then he motioned for me to lay next to him, and he took my hand.  It's hard to look at him like this, and even harder to imagine how he feels right now, but it makes it worth it when I feel his side where his tumor started sticking out and can already notice a difference in size.  It gives me a little hope...although that probably makes me foolish.   I was told that Christian's chance of cure is one percent, and it's only one percent because the doctor didn't want to give up hope that something might work.  I will not give up yet, he's not.  I still can't believe that I created this beautiful little soul, and that he's going to be taken away from me.  This isn't the life a parent wants for their child, or themselves.  You think that nothing bad will ever happen to you until it does.  Life doesn't choose favorites.  It's been a hard road to travel, but I wouldn't go back and change anything.  He's my miracle....I hope he knows that.  


  1. Continued prayers. And bless you for staying with him, even though it was "tough love". He needed that tube for his nutrition. And he needed his loving mom there to know it's ok. Never give up hope. I keep praying and checking for news. And if he's still fighting, then there IS hope. ~Ruth York

    1. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. He is the bravest person I know!

    2. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me. He is the bravest person I know!

  2. Thank you, I won't give up hope! <3

  3. Praying for your family and little Christian. .life is not fair that he has been going through this war..but know that his determination is a teaching lesson for all of us who are fortunate to know his journey and how strong a little person can be. .my heart breaks for him. .but I'm continuing to pray♡♧♡

  4. Jensen, I am praying for you and your family. I pray that God heals your little boy and that he brings you the courage and strength you need to be there for your son. I pray that Christian gets his miracle..I'll be praying!!

    1. Thank you so much, it really means the world to us!

  5. Prayers continue for sweet little Christian. This has been a long , hard journey for you all. Your journey is continuing. We are praying for a miracle. Praying for strength for all of you family members. Love and hugs to you!

  6. Jensen, you and your family have been in our thoughts for many months, as we have followed Christian’s battle…and I know this battle, but cannot imagine your struggle. Hoping you don’t mind if I write. My daughter was also diagnosed with Wilm’s when she was 18 months (Stage I, favorable histology, right nephrectomy w/10 week chemo protocol.) I can remember the same questions… “Why did she get this? What did I do…or what didn’t I do?” There was a lot of searching for answers, and examining her life – the diagnosis being “Ground Zero,” and working backwards to make some sort of random sense of it.
    Us “mothers,” whose children are touched by this disease, come away scarred in a specific sense, as we try to come up with a “framework” in which to exist. No matter how hard we tried to maintain a sense of normalcy…there was always a hyper-awareness in the back of my mind that we were not normal.
    I want you to know that we are on this journey with you…even if we can’t be by your side. Our support and love are very real. All of us have taken your family and Christian into our hearts, and we have followed along, through the tough times and joyful times, and all the areas in-between. You have moved through this with strength, grace, persistence…and love. May God’s love enfold you and keep you safe and protected.
    Sending tears, prayers, love and a bit of my heart…
    CG Momma

    1. Thank you to you, and all our CG family of there....I can't tell you how much it means to us that there's this giant community of Coasties that have come together like this <3

  7. <3 much love lady. praying so much!

  8. Thank you so much Brittney! We are lucky to live next to such a wonderful family! <3
